City of Davis, CA
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City Council Redistricting for 2022
為了反映當地人口變化情況,地方政府每隔十年就会根據新的人口普查数据来重新划分選區。議會法案第 849 號(2019) 要求各市縣通過舉行公開聽證會和/或研討會以及開展公眾宣傳活動,包括向非英語社區進行宣傳, 讓社區參與到重新劃分選區的進程中來。
Why does redistricting matter to me?
Redistricting determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for the purposes of electing a council member. The redistricting process will impact political representation for the next ten years. Community members are encouraged to participate and share with the City Council how district boundaries should be drawn to best represent the community.
Can the City go back to city-wide elections, or change the number of districts?
The City, by law, may not abandon the district (or redistricting) process, nor may it alter the current number of districts, unless it submits to a citywide vote, the timeframe for which would still necessitate the City Council completing the redistricting process.
What criteria will City Council use when approving a new district map?
Districts must be substantially equal in population. The Federal Voting Rights Act and California Voting Rights Act must be followed. State law also requires the following to the extent practicable and in the following order of priority:
- Districts must be geographically contiguous.
- Districts must respect the geographic integrity of local neighborhoods or communities of interest in a manner that minimizes its division (population that shares common social or economic interests that should be included within a single district for purposes of its effective and fair representation).
- District boundaries must be easily identifiable and understandable by residents. To the extent practicable, council districts should be bounded by natural and artificial barriers, by streets, or by the boundaries of the city.
- To the extent practicable, and where it does not conflict with the preceding criteria, districts should be drawn to encourage geographical compactness in a manner that nearby areas of population are not bypassed in favor of more distant populations.
- Shall not favor or discriminate against a political party.
If a district’s boundaries change as a result of the redistricting process, how will the change affect existing City Council members?
Existing City Council members will complete their terms, even if they no longer live in their districts after the new map is approved. The new district boundaries will apply to future elections.
When must the redistricting process be completed?
The deadline for adopting a new district map is April 17, 2022.
When is the first election using the new districts?
The first City Council election using the new district map will be held in November 2022. At that election, City Council seats for Districts 1 and 4 are up for election. A City Council member will be elected for each of those districts based on the new district boundaries.
How does the City Council redistricting process interact with the redistricting process for the Board of Education or Board of Supervisors?
The City of Davis, Davis Joint Unified School District, and Yolo County have different jurisdictional boundaries containing different populations and potentially different communities of interest. Each agency is conducting a redistricting process particular to their needs.