City of Davis, CA
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Emergency Services Management
The Emergency Services Management Division organizes, plans, and directs the activities of the Davis Fire Department; researches modern fire administration methods; formulates rules, policies and procedures consistent with adopted standards and city policies and evaluates service level requirements to ensure efficient delivery. Activities are to develop, recommend, implement and evaluate approved department goals and objectives; develop and implement the approved budget; supervise and evaluate assigned personnel; prepare regular and special reports; and review and improve operational procedures for effective use of available resources.
The Operations Division provides for the supervision and evaluation of assigned emergency personnel; responds to emergencies including medical emergencies, fires, hazardous materials spills, public assistance and other emergency calls; manages various operational programs including emergency vehicle management, emergency equipment management, map development, pre-fire planning and facility operations.
The Training Division is responsible for the delivery of training programs for the professional development of fire department employees. The division prepares the employees to provide an effective response force to mitigate emergencies and potential emergencies. The division's programs include professional development, automatic and mutual aid training, communications management, and occupational safety.
Fire Prevention
The Fire Prevention Division ensures enforcement of state and local building and fire codes. Division programs include: Plan Checking, Fire Investigation, Fire Safety Inspections, Public Education, and Prevention Administration. The division also assists the Fire Chief with various research and administrative duties.