Contests are a fun and rewarding way to encourage children to participate in Street Smarts activities. They are often paired with incentive items and rewards such as medals, certificates, and ice cream parties.

Street Smarts motivates students to walk and bike to school by tracking participation through Active4Me scanning. Students log each time they bike or walk to school and schools with the highest participation rates have the opportunity to win fun prizes! The more trips they make the more charms they can collect.

Students who have biked/walked to school regularly throughout the school year are also recognized in our annual 'Going the Extra Mile Award' announcement. The more students bike/walk to school, the better their prizes are, with stellar riders/walkers being awarded the 'Going the Extra Mile' medallion.

Other contests Street Smarts have hosted involved featuring winners own artwork on Safe Routes to School media platforms such as bookmarks, bus stops, and schoolwide banners. Check out the amazing artwork here!