Davis Community Meals and Housing (Paul's Place) - 530-753-9204
Davis Community Meals and Housing is a non-profit, non-denominational organization whose mission is to provide low-income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food, and human services to help them rebuild their lives. Services offered:
- Transitional and Bridge Housing
- Family Housing
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Resource Center and Day Shelter
- Meals
- Pathways to Employment
Davis Respite Center Day Shelter - 530-758-0354, 530 L Street
Operated by Downtown Streets Team. Provides services including laundry, food, showers, telephone, transportation arrangements and amil address service. Provides case management, medical referrals, and employment and housing resources.
Short Term Emergency Aid Committee (STEAC) - 530-758-8435
Provides immediate assistance with basic necessities to Yolo County families and individuals with income below the poverty level. Services offered:
- free food
- holiday program
- rent and utilities assistance
- miscellaneous assistance
Yolo County Homeless Services - 24/7 mental health crisis and access line - 888-965-6647
Service locations:
- 137 North Cottonwood Street, Woodland
- 500 B Jefferson Boulevard, Suite 150, West Sacramento
Yolo Food Bank - 530-668-0690,
Provides fresh and shelf-stable food to multiple locations in Davis. Call for dates and times of food drop-offs.
Empower Yolo - 530-757-1261
Provides a 24-hour crisis intervention, emergency shelter, confidential counseling, training, legal assistance, and other services for individuals and families affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, and child abuse. Resource centers for community services to improve the health, social, educational and economic outcomes of Yolo County residents; and community outreach and educational programs about available resources to promote health, stability, and self-sufficiency for individuals and families.
Mercer Veterinary Clinic - 530-75-1143, 530 L Street, Davis
Provides free veterinarian care for individuals living in unsheltered communities.