Proposed dates of application: December 4 to December 15, 2023, as weather conditions and time permit.
Site Name/ Street Address: Davis Police Department, 2600 Fifth Street, Davis CA 95616
Detailed Location of Application: Landscape beds in the rear parking lot and DG area surrounding storage building in the rear of the property.
Posting and Notification: A posted site notice and E-notification of 48 hours will be given before the application. No applications will be in the vicinity of playgrounds, schools or picnic areas. The fields will be closed to public access for the duration of the application period.
Pesticide Products: Cheetah Pro: Glufosinate Ammonium 24.5%
EPA Reg #: 228-743
Pesticide type: Herbicide
City Hazard Rank: Tier 3 – Less hazardous, least restrictive
Target Pests: Various grasses, broadleaf weeds and clover.
Justification for Use: This application is the only reliable method to keep the identified areas safe and free of vegetation. The infrastructure in mostly hardscaped but can become overgrown with vegetation during the wet season due to regular inputs of new seed from natural causes and other management activities. Mowing or string trimming are not reliable ways to manage the vegetation in these specific areas because they do not kill plants and actually promote new growth on the grasses. It is also hard on equipment and operators to mow/trim over concrete/DG/gravel because the small rocks are thrown around.
Explanation of IPM Methods Used: The City's contract landscape maintenance provider, Brightview, is managing the rest of the property with great success through the use of all available integrated pest management methods including sidewalk and parking lot cracks are scraped with hand tools, road frontages are trimmed and landscaped to resist undesirable vegetation.
Strategies to Prevent Future Applications: The primary strategy to prevent future herbicide applications is to manage the emerging vegetation with herbicide, thus preventing seed-set and future infestation of the areas. This will be hard to do and may require at least one annual Lifeline application each year. There is also the opportunity to increase maintenance intervals in the restricted areas, allowing for more time to control weeds with other methods.
More information on the IPM Program, including the current Policies and Procedures guidance, can be found on the City's webpage: Integrated Pest Management