Proposed Dates of Use: (Completed) August, 1 – September 27, 2024; as weather conditions and operational factors permit.
Street Address/Site Name: Various Open Space Managed Areas: North Davis Uplands, South Fork Preserve, Mace Ranch Park Passive Recreation Area, Woodbridge Natural Area, Willowbank Areas 9 & 10, Howat Ranch, Wildhorse Ag Buffer, Cannery Hedgerow, 1818 Facility
Detailed Location of Application Site: Throughout various Open Space managed areas including fence lines, access points, roads, kiosks, seating areas, habitat areas, trails, and developed parking areas.
Posting and Notification: Site notifications will be posted at least 48 hours before application at site entrances and will remain posted for 24 hours, and via the pesticide application electronic notification system.
Pesticide Products: Capstone & MSO Surfactant
Product (W/ active ingredients): Capstone (Triclopyr Triethylamine Salt 16.22%, Aminopyralid Triisopropanolamine Salt 2.22%)
EPA Reg #: 62719-687, CAS No. 57213-69-1, CAS NO. 566191-89-7
Pesticide Type: Herbicide
City Use Type: Tier II. Less Hazardous. Less Restrictive.
Product (W/ active ingredients): MSO Surfactant - Methylated vegetable oil, alcohol ethoxylate, phosphatidylcholine 100%
EPA Reg #: CAS No. 97281-47-5, CAS No. 67784-80-9, CAS No. 34398-01-1
Pesticide Type: Adjuvant
City Use Type: Tier II. Less Hazardous. Less Restrictive.
Target Pests: Woody vegetation that contributes to fire fuel loading, obstructs trails, interferes with visibility and/or prevents safe access for maintenance and emergencies.
Justification for Use: This herbicide use is justified due to Staff’s need to conduct fire-fuel abatement in Open Space areas, and for safe, year-round public access to the sites. Dense woody vegetation in close proximity to roads and paths poses a risk to recreational users when visibility and paths are physically blocked. The product Capstone will be used to conduct cut stump treatments in the specified sites above to treat unwanted vegetation and prevent regrowth, thus reducing the need for retreatment with chemical applications. Additionally, Open Space staff require safe access these areas throughout the year to perform maintenance and react to changing conditions during the rainy season.
Explanation of IPM Methods Use: Other acreage included within the Open Space management areas are maintained using a variety of IPM techniques, including strategic and well-timed chemical use. The use of mechanical removal of cut stumps (ex. using heavy equipment to dig up root masses) was analyzed and eliminated from consideration due to multiple problems. The primary challenge occurred during excavation of root masses as the process would damage near-by desirable vegetation. Additionally, the disturbed soil promotes new weed growth and continued soil disturbance could impact stormwater operations or quality via sediment transport.
Strategies to Prevent Future Applications: Well-timed cut stump applications will kill the targeted, unwanted tree or shrub immediately and eliminate the need for future management. Once large, unwanted woody vegetation are removed, Staff can prevent the establishment of new woody vegetation through mowing and hand removal while the woody vegetation still small.
Additional Comments: Open Space staff possess extensive knowledge and experience with fuel/vegetation management. Thinning dense areas of vegetation can help protect habitat value by reducing fuels that could lead to intense fire and full loss of habitat. Furthermore, Staff will continue to meet their mandate for public health and safety, while limiting overall reliance on chemical pesticides.
More information on the IPM Program, including the current Policies and Procedures guidance, can be found on the City's webpage: Integrated Pest Management